Tuesday, October 18, 2011

focusing on what's important

Yikes. It’s been so long I don’t even know where to start! Obviously a lot has gone on since I last posted, but that’s not what I want to focus on this time.

Today is all about priorities (funny that I’m writing this while there’s a project waiting for me on my desk…). I’ve been letting things slip that shouldn’t be. I’ve been focusing on things that may seem all-consuming and super important right now... But in the long run they don’t mean anything. All while pushing things to the back burner that should ALWAYS be my main focus in life.

Let’s start with the big G.O.D. I mean HELLO…what could possibly be more important. And yet, my relationship with GOD had been FAR from the top of my priority list. And man have I been feeling the guilt. There is absolutely NO excuse.  How can I not spend daily time with the GOD who created me, forgives me for all of the horrible things I do, and gave me my most precious gift…maia. It’s time to start re-focusing on living my life in a way that’s pleasing to Him, not doing whatever pleases me. From the outside looking in, would someone be able to see that I am a Christian and I’m living my life in a way that’s different? Ya…I don’t think so. And that needs to change.

Next on the list – mommyness. Ohhh my goodness. I have never been someone with a whole ton of patience, but I am getting a crash course in it these days!  I know that maia is needing more “mommy time” than ever and I need to get way better at focusing my attention on her when we are together. There are always a million little things that I need/want to do. But I need to learn that the majority of those things can wait until maia is asleep. She needs attention and love just like every other person, and I need to be way better at providing those things for her. My sweet baby angel.

And who can forget … SCHOOL! UGH is it dec 2012 yet!? You never know how much other stuff there is to do until you are supposed to be studying haha. Somehow I’ve managed so far in my college career to get by with barely any effort/studying. I’ll study the night before (if even) and still pull out a pretty decent grade. But I could be doing better, and I SHOULD be doing better. School is a privilege and I need to start treating it like that. How many young moms out there would love to be going to college but just don’t have the opportunity? And here I am taking it for granted. I need to start putting in the work and getting the grades that I know I can get. This may mean not falling asleep at 8/9 every night with maia (gasp haha) or watching my shows on the rare night that I do stay up late. Whenever I get a grade that’s below what I know is possible I always think “man…just a few more hours of studying and I could’ve done way better” well, how many times do I have to think that before I actually make a change? It needs to happen and I am going to MAKE it happen!

I need to help around the house without being asked (I mean…im 21, living with my parents with no rent and no bills…I need to realize the awesomeness of this and start pitching in WAY more).

I need to set a good example for maia in the way that I treat my family. I get aggravated and lose my temper…then wonder why maia thinks she can get away with having a bad attitude. WHOOPS time to start looking inwards a little more

I need to vocalize my thankfulness and feelings more. Most of y’all know that emotions are #1 on my “do not talk about list” stupid stupid stupid! Non-communication NEVER solves anything!!

I think the reason that I’m putting all of this out there is because I want to be held accountable. 
I want to do these things and I want my life to be an example to others. 
I want to stand out of the crowd. 
I want to be different. 
I want it to be obvious that I am living my life for GOD ..not for me.

Oh and just to add on to this novel of a post. Can I just say how BEYOND thankful I am to have an amazing man who puts up with my crapiness and daily emotional roller coasters? I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him by my side. He helps me realize what’s important, he isn’t scared to confront issues that aren’t necessarily fun to talk about. And he treats me and maia like the princesses we are ;] haha. He has stepped up to a BIG plate and isn’t afraid of what all it entails. He accepts me for who I am and pushes me to be better. I couldn’t be happier.

I love you :]

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I'm totally bored at work ..so what better way to pass the time than to write a blog filled with fun facts about little miss diva!

first of all - i can NOT believe that maia is 25 1/2 months old. I know i'm totally nerdy for throwing the "1/2" in there..but hey! shes my first babooski so i'm allowed to mark every single milestone that you could imagine haha

1. this week we started the "WHY?!?!" phase. as you can imagine ..its a total blast!! i've realized there's alot more i need to learn so that i can attempt to answer her "whys" in a way that might possibly be true lol. along with why..we have "what" O.M.G this is both hillarious and ridiculously annoying at the same time!! somehow she only needs to ask "what" a million times when you're trying to ask her to do something. about the 5th time she asks...i give up lol she does it ALLLLL the time! me and the fam try not to laugh everytime, but its so hard! she tilts her head to the side and its just adorable.

2. maia's vocabulary is growing so much everyday!! as a baby she never really made little baby coo-ing noises or anything like that. the first verbalizing she did was humming along to songs! then she went straight into talking and hasn't looked back since. the new development with her vocab is saying everything in the right tense and using words like "either, also, too, etc..." for example she'll say "i don't want to go outside either, too many mosquitos!" i mean HELLO genius girl! and lately she's been telling more and more stories, they are SO hillarious and awesome. " and um this is my skirt and i wore it yesterday and um its pink so now we have to wash it and um you can't wear it because it's to small and it's mine" just TOTALLY random things like that. i can already tell that she's going to be one of those kids that just has to much to say that they have trouble getting it all out because they're just so excited to tell you everything!

3. she LOVES reading. anything and everything. she is constantly asking to read more books. and her new thing is to read books to us. SO cute. she'll open a book, and if it's one of her favorites she has basically memorized it and can actually tell the story pretty well. if it's a new book she'll just describe what's on the page " and then there was a tree and a bird, and um a boy sitting" its so cute omg. i need to post a video!

4. music music and more music - she can't get enough! first thing in the morning "turn on the music mommy". we are lucky enough to have an awesome stereo system that my dad put in..so maia pretty much listens to childrens music all day everyday! if you name a song..she knows it. the other weekend when we were in college station the other weekend; i was trying to put her down for a nap but couldn't stop laughing because maia just kept yelling over and over "OH SUSANNA DONT YOU CRY FOR MEEEEEE" i was like what the heck most random song ever hahah. too hillarious! her and nana have a special routine of going and sitting on the stairs and yelling out songs as loud as they can, i recorded it the other day because I want to make sure and try to remember all of  these special things that maia loves doing!

5. BABIES. as sariah can tell you...maia loves babies! sariah has a beautiful 7 week old and maia pretty much smothers her everytime she sees her! she loves holding, rocking, patting, singing to and reading to her! she also can't go anywhere without a babydoll under her arm. i LOVE when i catch her playing pretend with her dolls and talking to them, some of the stuff she says just melts me...she is SUCH a sweetie! and you can tell that she picks up alot at school "please be quite..im speaking! ok?" haha yes ma'am! i love that she is so loving and girly. i was not like that AT ALL when i was little...i never played with dolls or did dress up or anything like that...i mustve been pretty boring lol oh ya and purses. this girl can accessorize like nobodys business.

6. picky eater of the century. it is a CHORE getting food in this little girl! somedays all she wants is salad..which is cool i guess haha she'll randomly eat a TON of one food and then won't want it again for a month! i have to be super creative and come up with eating games to try and make it fun so that she'll actually want to eat! lately at dinner her and grandpa have a game of saying "1 ..2..3" and then taking a bite at the same time. she thinks its pretty funny so that usually works. or bribing, i dont care what people say, bribing is my best friend sometimes hahah

7. if maia could live outdoors, i think she would. there's nothing she loves more than playing outside. which unfortunately isn't always possible ..like when its 103 degrees outside for example! i can't wait until it gets a little cooler and we can start going to the zoo again..maia LOVES it! animals combined with being outside...could it get any better?! ;]

8. maia is timid. she only does what she is used to and comfortable with. sometimes this really frustrates me because i'll take her to a park or something and all she wants to do is sit in my lap and watch everyone else play! i just have to be patient and let her be who she is! oh she climbed up a slide all by herself the other day and slid down on her belly. HUGE moment!

9. i am so excited that maia is really starting to develop friends with the kids we always go on playdates with! she always ask when she is going to see them and loves playing with them! she really is just SO sweet! she LOVES her family obviously and is always so excited when everyone comes home everyday and then when she wakes up in the morning "where is grandpa where is nana where is meagan etc..." she just loves being around people!

10. we are SO close to potty training time, i can just feel it! she is always saying that she wants to sit on the potty...never does anything..but at least she's getting used to it! yesterday when she needed a diaper change she got the new diaper..a bag to put the old one in..and went to her room to get it changed. come on maia...if you know all that..we can make it to the potty in time!!

oh random but the other day maia had a fever and was either awake or deliriously talking all night. and at one point she pulled my cheek to her..licked it..and said "i want more french fries"
i seriously think i laughed for like 5 minutes!

i wish i could remember other random quotes from her because there are MANY. ...ill just have to make a separate post when my brain is working!

so there ya go. a few facts about my sweet babyboo who is awesome and amazing and NO i will never stop bragging hehehe :]

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I'm tired!
and i'm ready for thanksgiving break already! I am soo thankful that i got into the Program for Excellence in Selling, but holy cow it requires a TON of outside of the classroom commitment. I just have to buckle down and get it done! anyone want to play golf in our tournament?! ;]

I am really excited today though because yesterday i talked to the woman who I am hoping will be my mentor. she is the president of her company and i completely LOVE it! it's called the black sheep agency in case y'all were wondering hehe! she basically has my dream job and to be able to have her as a mentor who be completely invaluable and such a huge help with my career!

my to-do list tonight is full of school work and laundry! but that has to wait because me and maia are having some playtime at the children's museum with a few of our friends!

oh and last night me and maia slept in our own separate beds! SARIAH...are you proud?! lol

well i guess I better get back to balancing these multiple separate lifes i'm living :]

I hope that you are all having a good week!